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Meet Linda Yalen


Linda specializes in longevity coaching. Imagine living not just longer, but better. Her approach integrates proven strategies from nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mindset to help you optimize your health span. She will create a personalized plan, ensuring you thrive in every stage of life, taking into account your unique needs and goals.

Her goal is to help adults and seniors get and stay healthy, so they can enjoy life to the fullest. With her expertise and experience,  With her guidance, clients can achieve optimal health and longevity.

Linda retired in 2016 working in the legal industry as a corporate paralegal, specializing in the areas of corporate compliance, entity management, and professional licensing for the environmental and construction trades.   Shortly after she retired she became the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) CT Chapter administrator responsible for event planning and recording board meeting minutes from 2018 through 2022.  The ACC CT Chapter is a 501c (6) organization that provides event programs for corporate attorneys to obtain their required legal license credits. 

My Story

I have been involved in the health and wellness industry since 1995,  I had gained weight after my second daughter was born and was having trouble finding solutions  where I began studying and using what I learned to live the healthiest life I could have. 

My goal is to share my knowledge with those who want to get the most out of their lives by staying healthy!

In 2008 she became a certified energy medicine practitioner, and an Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certified Health and Wellness Coach in 2015, along with other areas of health including sleep science, environmental toxins, digestive and hormone health, and essential oils.

.Back in December of 2022 my sister fell down a flight of stairs and incurred severe injuries including head trauma, 11 fractured ribs and a broken wrist.  She spent 6 months in a skilled nursing facility until she passed away on May 11, 2023.  It was at that time that she decided to dedicate her time to working with adults and seniors with longevity health coaching, fall prevention and palliative care. I became a Certified Home Safety Advisor with Age Safe America, a company that provides “age in place” services, including fall prevention education and home assessments to homeowners so that they can make the proper home renovations to age in place.  



Linda is a certified wellness coach specializing in longevity for adults and seniors  She has an extensive background in areas of health and wellness.  She is the founder of Pat's Legacy, LLC. 



Founding Member, Contributing Editor and Team Coach - Homemade Health - Health Coach Group

Personal Safety and Situational Awareness Educator -
Age-in-Place Advisor -  Age Safe America



  • High Performance Health (HPH) - Adult and Senior Longevity Health Coach - Integrative Health Practitioner

  • Certified Bioenergetic Health Practitioner - NES Health/Energy4Life

  • Energy Medicine Practitioner, - Institute of Healing Arts & Sciences 

  • Integrative Nutrition Coach - Institute for Integrative Nutrition 

  • Integrative Nutrition Coach - Level II - Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Nutritionist - ISSA 

  • Stress Management Coach – Spencer Institute 

  • Sleep Science Coach - Spencer Institute 

  • Certified Essential Oils Coach - The Essential Oils Institute

  • Environmental Toxins Certification - Lara Adler

  • Holistic Cancer Coach - Beat Cancer

  • Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner - Dr. Tom O'Bryan


  • Specialist in Senior Fitness - ISSA

  • Certified Personal Trainer - ISSA


Board Certified Health Coach, American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) #208403711

Member & Speaker - Senior Executive Women's Network (S.E.W.N.)

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DISCLAIMER:  All material and information presented by Pat's Legacy, LLC is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information [on this site/presented herein is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

©2024 by Pat's Legacy, LLC

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